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Lapiplasty: A Better Way to Do Bunion Surgery

Lapiplasty: A Better Way to Do Bunion Surgery

One of the most exciting things about practicing medicine is the sometimes rapid, sudden improvements in how we can care for our patients. New treatments are always being developed, and once in a while one comes along that can dramatically improve patients’ long-term...

Don’t Hobble Through the Holidays with Foot Pain

Don’t Hobble Through the Holidays with Foot Pain

Are you in for a ho, ho, whole lot of foot pain this holiday season? After all, ‘tis the season for a whole lot of standing, walking, and activities that could put a lot of pain and stress on your lower limbs: Cruising the mall looking for that perfect little...

Diet and Diabetes

Diet and Diabetes

As cliched as this might be: You are what you eat. Well, that’s not entirely accurate, but there’s no disputing the fact that the food we consume definitely affects our bodies. Hopefully, this is something you already know and consider when making dietary choices....

Back-to-School Care for Your Child’s Feet

Back-to-School Care for Your Child’s Feet

If you’ve got kids, you know that summer is finally winding down for the little ones. Most school districts in the region were back up and running earlier this week, though a few might not fully return to action for another few days. Hopefully, your kids are excited...

6 Ways You’re Hurting Your Heels [What to Do About It]

6 Ways You’re Hurting Your Heels [What to Do About It]

We have an epidemic of aching heels in this country. And that’s bad news, because even minor aches and pains can start to gnaw away at your quality of life. Yet far too many people don’t seek care until the pain becomes unbearable—and may actually be making their heel...

How to Protect Your Diabetic Feet

How to Protect Your Diabetic Feet

Most people know that a diabetes diagnosis is linked with a higher risk of foot problems. But how big is the risk? What can actually happen to your feet? Unfortunately, without proper care, diabetic foot complications can be wide-ranging and severe—everything from...